Visit the Town of Bourke on the Darling River in Outback NSW
The town of Bourke is the only Australian town to have grown out of a fort, erected by explorer Major Thomas Mitchell in 1835. Located 16 kilometres out of town, Fort Bourke was erected to provide temporary shelter from conflict with the local aboriginal tribe. A replica of this fort can be seen a short distance from the site of the original.
With a mud map in your hand you can follow the Bourke Maritime Trail. Discover the beautiful colonial buildings, including a maritime courthouse built over a century ago when the once thriving port of Bourke was the largest wool railhead in the world.
You can stroll beneath the river gums past the Bourke wharf and the only lock on the Darling River. See the old lift-up bridge and the wreck of the SS Wave which was stranded after a flood last century. Recapture the feel of the historic riverboat days.
The multi million dollar world class Back O Bourke Exhibition Centre, described as ‘A billabong 500 years long’ will remain long in your memory after you’ve moved on from Bourke.
The Bourke exhibition Centre tells the story of the Darling River and the region beyond with the stories of our western frontier. It highlights the values and dreams and sheer hard work that have given substance to our country and history.
Visit the Back O Bourke exhibition website to discover more.
Visit Bourke and get the outback experience on your travels along the Darling River Run. Discover the pioneer history of the region’s historic towns such as Louth, Tilpa, Wilcannia and Menindee. Retrace the steps of the explorers Sturt, Mitchell, Burke and Wills and experience the inspiration for literary legends Lawson, Olgilvie and Breaker Morant.